
Showing posts from October, 2008

Vine Park Brewery

My friend Mark put together an Beer Brewing outing for a bunch of us. We went down to Vine Park Brewery and made 4 batches of some great beer. You can see pictures from the evening in my photo Album - There is a link to the photo album in the sidebar of the blog or you can click here: Vine Park provides all the ingrediants. You provide the fun and time. It takes two evenings to do this, two weeks apart. Night one we all showed up at 7:00PM. You mix a bunch of ingrediants and then take a half hour to fortyfive minute break. This was enough time for us to head down to the local pub for a beer or two. When you return, you have a few more ingrediant to mix and then they transfer the mixture to a holding container in which it magically turns into beer. Two weeks later you return and bottle your beer. Of course, while you bottle you have mishaps that have to be drank. We brought food to share with each other and turned it into a party. Sharing your food w
My father recently sent me an email with a link to a slideshow with music set to it. The purpose was to illustrate that patriotism is not dead in the public schools of the United States. The slideshow was various patriot slides and included slide depicting Christs presence in the Nation. The music was the battle hymm of the Republic played by 4 high school bands and a song by a Childrens choir. It is a moving composure that did send a wave of patriotism shivers up my spine. I had to respond to Dad, telling him that I already know that all is not lost. I told him about some of the experiences that my wife and I have had at the North Branch High School band recitals. Although the bands typically play topical music associated with High School level, we have also heard them play patriotic songs AND Christ based Christmas Carols. Yes, its true. Not all the school districts have gone the lost way of the inner cities. Small towns in MN