
Showing posts from January, 2008
With the motorcycle season coming very fast, I have begun thinking of my rides this year. I'm using the excuse that I need to fit into my motorcycle pants as the reason for a diet. But for now, let me take a moment to look back in the past. I've been associated with long distance riding since 1993 but have never gotten an official IBA paper regarding my rides. I got into long distance riding through rallying. Basically this type of rallying is a large scavenger hunt. You are given different points to ride to, ride there and provide evidence that you were there and you get points. The most points wins. The most miles doesn't necessarily secure a win. You have to be smart about the travels. Some points are mandatory. Some points have hours associated with them. Some points are given for spending time off the bike. Some big points are miles away, but they do not always secure the win by them selves. And the type of bike doesn't matter. There are usually differe